Janie Chermak
Research Areas
- Natural Resource Economics
- Energy Economics
- Multidisciplinary Modeling
Teaching Interests
- Microeconomics
- Natural Resource Modeling
- Energy Economics
- Industrial Organization
Selected Publications
"Consumer Preferences for Solar Energy: A Choice Experiment," with J. Mamkhezri and J. Thacher, The Energy Journal. 41(5): (2020)
“PLAN or Get SLAM’ed: Optimal management of invasive species in the presence of indirect health externalities,” with B.A. Jones and S. McDermott. Journal of Environmental Management. 180: 538-550 (2016).
“Moving Forward by Looking Back: Comparing Laboratory Results with Ex Ante Market Data,” with K. Krause, D.S. Brookshire, and H.S. Burness. Economic Inquiry, 51(1): 1035-1049 (2013).
“Water Use in a Mountain Front Recharge Aquifer,” with S. Burness and D. Brookshire, Water Resources Research, 40(W0621): (2004).
“Comparing Tests of the Theory of Exhaustible Resources,” with R.H. Patrick, Resource and Energy Economics; 24:301-325 (2002).