Current Classes
Schedule as of March 26, 2025
Macroeconomics is the study of national and global economies. Topics include output, unemployment and inflation; and how they are affected by financial systems, fiscal and monetary policies. Prerequisite for most upper-division courses. Meets New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 4: Social and Behavioral Sciences.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 50036 | MWF 10:00
AM - 10:50
AM | Mustofa Mahmud Al Mamun - | 3 | 93 |
016 | 79964 | TR 11:00
AM - 12:15 PM | Mustofa Mahmud Al Mamun - | 3 | 91 |
017 | 55971 | TR 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM | Ben P Cornelius - | 3 | 2 |
019 | 55966 | MWF 11:00
AM - 11:50
AM | Stephania Alarcon Alcala - | 3 | 4 |
This course will provide a broad overview of microeconomics. Microeconomics is the study of issues specific to households, firms, or industries with an emphasis on the role of markets. Topics discussed will include household and firm behavior, demand and supply, government intervention, market structures, and the efficient allocation of resources.Prerequisite for most upper division courses. Meets New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 4: Social and Behavioral Sciences.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
011 | 50146 | TR 11:00
AM - 12:15 PM | Sarah S Stith - | 3 | 8 |
012 | 79498 | TR 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM | Robert P Berrens - | 3 | 102 |
013 | 52602 | MWF 11:00
AM - 11:50
AM | Stephen Owusu - | 3 | 2 |
021 | 55964 | MWF 9:00
AM - 9:50
AM | Samuel Asare - | 3 | 1 |
Theories of national income determination in explaining business cycles; aggregate supply; and the role of expectations. Role of monetary and fiscal policies in stabilizing the economy. Prerequisite: 2110 and 2120 and (307 or MATH 1430 or MATH 1512).
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
CANCELLED 001 | 45181 | Lecture | Staff | 3 | 25 |
002 | 81321 | MWF 12:00 PM - 12:50 PM | Mustofa Mahmud Al Mamun - | 3 | 31 |
Introduces math, data, and writing skills that are essential for understanding, interpreting and communicating economics concepts. Prerequisite: MATH 1220 or MATH 1240 or ACT Math =>26 or SAT Math Section =>620 or ACCUPLACER College-Level Math =>100. Pre- or corequisite: 2110 or 2120.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
002 | 37844 | TR 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM | Melissa Binder - | 3 | 10 |
Introductory statistics, probability, probability distributions and hypothesis testing. Basic econometric techniques emphasizing estimation of economic relationships and the use of econometric models in forecasting. Prerequisite: 2110 and 2120 and MATH 1350.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
005 | 55965 | TR 9:30
AM - 10:45
AM | Xiaoyang Wang - | 3 | 11 |
Introduction to economics of environmental management problems, conceptual tools and policy applications: resource scarcity and sustainability, efficiency and equity, property rights and externalities, benefit-cost analysis and discounting, provision of public goods and nonmarket valuation. Prerequisite: 2110 and 2120.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 79341 | MW 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM | Andrew L Goodkind - | 3 | 4 |
Topics will vary. Offered on an occasional basis. For course content, consult the economics department. Course may be repeated without limit provided the topics differ. Prerequisite: 300 and 303.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
Sem:Craft Cult & Creative ECON | |||||
002 | 79760 | M 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM | Manuel R Montoya - | 3 | 8 |
Sem: Hlth ECON Politic Policy | |||||
003 | 80529 | TR 9:30
AM - 10:45
AM | Colin B Sleeper - | 3 | 3 |
This course develops fundamental economic theory using differential calculus and linear algebra and emphasizes the methodology of constructing and applying appropriate models in quantitative analysis with an emphasis on static and dynamic optimization. Pre-requisites: 300, 303, and 309 or permission of instructor.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 79490 | TR 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM | Yuting Yang - | 3 | 3 |
For senior students wishing to study topics not covered in an existing course or in more detail. Requirements will be agreed upon between student and instructor. Prerequisite: 300 and 303 and 309.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 29453 | Independent Study | Melissa Binder - | 1 TO 3 | 2 |
004 | 35838 | Independent Study | Brady P Horn - | 1 TO 3 | 2 |
005 | 29457 | Independent Study | Alok K Bohara - | 1 TO 3 | 2 |
008 | 29461 | Independent Study | Janie Chermak - | 1 TO 3 | 2 |
009 | 29462 | Independent Study | Robert P Berrens - | 1 TO 3 | 2 |
010 | 29463 | Independent Study | Staff | 1 TO 3 | 5 |
011 | 29464 | Independent Study | Xiaoxue Li - | 1 TO 3 | 2 |
013 | 35663 | | David van der Goes - | 1 TO 3 | 2 |
014 | 37383 | | Matias Fontenla - | 1 TO 3 | 2 |
016 | 36956 | | Jingjing Wang - | 1 TO 3 | 2 |
017 | 38073 | | Sarah S Stith - | 1 TO 3 | 1 |
018 | 41626 | | David S Dixon - | 1 TO 3 | 2 |
020 | 61606 | Independent Study | Kira Villa - | 1 TO 3 | 2 |
021 | 61607 | Independent Study | Manuel R Montoya - | 1 TO 3 | 2 |
A faculty-directed exploration of a specific topic through reading, discussion, and critique. Open to juniors or seniors with an overall grade point average of at least 3.2 and approval of the department. Prerequisite: 309. Restriction: junior or senior standing and permission of department.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 37384 | | Matias Fontenla - | 3 | 2 |
002 | 39578 | | Staff | 3 | 2 |
003 | 39579 | | Alok K Bohara - | 3 | 2 |
004 | 39941 | | Kira Villa - | 3 | 2 |
005 | 44520 | Independent Study | Manuel R Montoya - | 3 | 2 |
006 | 49206 | | Xiaoxue Li - | 3 | 5 |
Faculty-supervised investigative study that results in the development and writing of an undergraduate Senior-level thesis. Prerequisite: 498.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
003 | 29478 | | Melissa Binder - | 4 | 2 |
004 | 29479 | | Alok K Bohara - | 4 | 2 |
005 | 29480 | | Robert P Berrens - | 4 | 2 |
006 | 29481 | | Yuting Yang - | 4 | 1 |
008 | 34935 | | Matias Fontenla - | 4 | 2 |
009 | 37846 | | Sarah S Stith - | 4 | 2 |
010 | 38181 | | Brady P Horn - | 4 | 2 |
011 | 39943 | | Andrew L Goodkind - | 4 | 2 |
012 | 49163 | | Xiaoxue Li - | 4 | 5 |
013 | 60308 | | Jingjing Wang - | 4 | 4 |
This course develops fundamental economic theory using differential calculus and linear algebra and emphasizes the methodology of constructing and applying appropriate models in quantitative analysis with an emphasis on static and dynamic optimization. Restriction: admitted to M.A. Economics or Ph.D. Economics or permission or instructor.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 79492 | TR 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM | Yuting Yang - | 3 | 10 |
Micro foundations of macroeconomics. Introduction to dynamic macroeconomics; optimal economic policy; and theories of economic growth. Restriction: admitted to M.A. Economics or Ph.D. Economics.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 52547 | TR 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM | Matias Fontenla - | 3 | 11 |
Theory and applications: ordinary and generalized least squares, hypothesis testing, dummy variable and distributed lag models; simultaneous equation and two stage least square models; forecasting. Emphasis on computer modeling. Prerequisite: 508.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 42953 | TR 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM | Alok K Bohara - | 3 | 4 Fees: $ 25 |
Competitive equilibrium and welfare economics. Topics from imperfect competition, decision making under uncertainty, introduction to game theory and distribution theory. Prerequisite: 501 and 504.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 52526 | W 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM | Andrew L Goodkind - | 3 | 10 |
Special topics in applied economics as they pertain to the major fields and support courses. Available for use by visiting faculty. Prerequisite: 501 and 504. Restriction: permission of instructor.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
Applied Economic Analysis II | |||||
001 | 79495 | MW 11:00
AM - 12:15 PM | Manuel R Montoya - | 3 | 10 |
Causes and consequences of environmental externalities. Design and implementation of alternative policy instruments. Theory and methods to measure economic value of market and non-market environmental services. Prerequisite: 501 and 504.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 79491 | M 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM | Robert P Berrens - | 3 | 6 |
(Also offered as WR 572) Practical aspects of the different technical models used by water resources professionals; hydrological, economic, ecological, etc. Students use models to solve problems. Emphasis on oral, written and graphic communication. Prerequisite: (2120 or 300) and (CE 541 or CE 542 or EPS 562 or WR 576) and WR 571.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 34340 | TR 3:30 PM - 5:15 PM | Jingjing Wang - | 4 | Section Full |
An independent study course on economic problems or issues. The study is carried out under the supervision of an economics faculty member. Restriction: permission of instructor.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 29482 | Independent Study | Melissa Binder - | 1 TO 3 | 5 |
002 | 29483 | Web Enhanced - Independent Study | Manuel R Montoya - | 1 TO 3 | 4 |
003 | 29484 | Independent Study | Yuting Yang - | 1 TO 3 | 1 |
005 | 29485 | Independent Study | Alok K Bohara - | 1 TO 3 | 5 |
007 | 29487 | Independent Study | Andrew L Goodkind - | 1 TO 3 | 3 |
010 | 29489 | Independent Study | Robert P Berrens - | 1 TO 3 | 5 |
011 | 29490 | Independent Study | Matias Fontenla - | 1 TO 3 | 5 |
012 | 35936 | Independent Study | Xiaoxue Li - | 1 TO 3 | 5 |
013 | 36394 | | David van der Goes - | 1 TO 3 | 5 |
014 | 36395 | | Sarah S Stith - | 1 TO 3 | 5 |
015 | 39580 | | Kira Villa - | 3 | 1 |
016 | 36925 | | Brady P Horn - | 1 TO 3 | 2 |
017 | 41161 | | Jingjing Wang - | 1 TO 3 | 5 |
018 | 61608 | Web Enhanced - Independent Study | Manuel R Montoya - | 1 TO 3 | 2 |
Introduction to advanced study of public economics, including theoretical and empirical analysis of market failures and government interventions. Topics include externalities and public goods, social insurance programs, education policies, optimal taxation, income distribution, and government expenditures. Prerequisite: 501 and 508.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 79493 | TR 9:30
AM - 10:45
AM | Xiaoxue Li - | 3 | 10 |
Role of foreign direct investment, foreign aid, remittances, and other financial flows for economic development and growth. Causes and consequences of currency and financial crises in developing countries. Balance of payments problems, international debt, and structural adjustment programs. Prerequisite: 501 and 506.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 79494 | TR 11:00
AM - 12:15 PM | Alok K Bohara - | 3 | 9 |
Research problems. Student presentations of methodology and results. Research projects may be student-directed or undertaken in conjunction with regular and/or visiting faculty. Offered on a CR/NC basis only. Restriction: permission of instructor.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
W: Policy and Evaluation Lab | |||||
001 | 61752 | M 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM | Audrey E Cooper - | 3 | 4 |
Faculty-supervised investigative study that results in the development and writing of a master’s thesis. Offered on a CR/NC basis only.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
002 | 29496 | Thesis | Staff | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
003 | 29497 | Thesis | Melissa Binder - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
004 | 29498 | Thesis | Staff | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
006 | 29499 | Thesis | Alok K Bohara - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
007 | 29500 | Thesis | Xiaoxue Li - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
008 | 29501 | Thesis | Manuel R Montoya - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
009 | 29502 | Thesis | Robert P Berrens - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
011 | 36277 | | Sarah S Stith - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
012 | 34454 | Thesis | David van der Goes - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
014 | 35664 | Thesis | Matias Fontenla - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
016 | 38234 | | Brady P Horn - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
017 | 39646 | | Kira Villa - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
Faculty-supervised investigative study that results in the development and writing of a doctoral dissertation. Offered on a CR/NC basis only.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 29511 | Dissertation | Manuel R Montoya - | 3 TO 12 | 5 |
002 | 29512 | Dissertation | Alok K Bohara - | 3 TO 12 | 3 |
003 | 29513 | Dissertation | Melissa Binder - | 3 TO 12 | 4 |
004 | 54726 | | Andrew L Goodkind - | 3 TO 12 | 5 |
006 | 29516 | Dissertation | Janie Chermak - | 3 TO 12 | 5 |
007 | 29518 | Dissertation | Richard Santos - | 3 TO 12 | 5 |
011 | 29522 | Dissertation | Benjamin A Jones - | 3 TO 12 | 4 |
012 | 29523 | Dissertation | Robert P Berrens - | 3 TO 12 | 3 |
014 | 35665 | Dissertation | Matias Fontenla - | 3 TO 12 | 3 |
015 | 35912 | Dissertation | David van der Goes - | 3 TO 12 | 3 |
016 | 36955 | | Jingjing Wang - | 3 TO 12 | Section Full |
019 | 37489 | | Brady P Horn - | 3 TO 12 | 3 |
020 | 41444 | | Kira Villa - | 3 TO 12 | 4 |
021 | 44033 | | Xiaoxue Li - | 3 TO 12 | 1 |
022 | 48967 | | Sarah S Stith - | 3 TO 12 | 5 |
For senior students wishing to study topics not covered in an existing course or in more detail. Requirements will be agreed upon between student and instructor. Prerequisite: 300 and 303 and 309.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 12966 | Independent Study | Melissa Binder - | 1 TO 3 | 25 |
002 | 12967 | Independent Study | Alok K Bohara - | 1 TO 3 | 25 |
003 | 14307 | Independent Study | Richard Santos - | 1 TO 3 | 25 |
004 | 14308 | Independent Study | Manuel R Montoya - | 1 TO 3 | 25 |
007 | 18387 | Independent Study | Matias Fontenla - | 1 TO 3 | 5 |
009 | 21011 | | Melissa Binder - | 1 TO 3 | 25 |
010 | 25147 | | Robert P Berrens - | 1 TO 3 | 1 |
A faculty-directed exploration of a specific topic through reading, discussion, and critique. Open to juniors or seniors with an overall grade point average of at least 3.2 and approval of the department. Prerequisite: 309. Restriction: junior or senior standing and permission of department.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 13045 | Independent Study | Richard Santos - | 3 | 25 |
002 | 13047 | Independent Study | Matias Fontenla - | 3 | 25 |
Faculty-supervised investigative study that results in the development and writing of an undergraduate Senior-level thesis. Prerequisite: 498.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 13048 | | Richard Santos - | 4 | 25 |
An independent study course on economic problems or issues. The study is carried out under the supervision of an economics faculty member. Restriction: permission of instructor.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 13049 | Independent Study | Richard Santos - | 1 TO 3 | 25 |
002 | 13051 | Independent Study | Alok K Bohara - | 1 TO 3 | 25 |
003 | 13052 | Independent Study | Janie Chermak - | 1 TO 3 | 25 |
004 | 13053 | Independent Study | Manuel R Montoya - | 1 TO 3 | 25 |
006 | 13055 | Independent Study | Robert P Berrens - | 1 TO 3 | 25 |
007 | 18388 | Independent Study | Matias Fontenla - | 1 TO 3 | 5 |
009 | 18524 | Independent Study | Staff | 1 TO 3 | 5 |
010 | 24067 | | Melissa Binder - | 1 TO 3 | Section Full |
011 | 22995 | | David van der Goes - | 2 | 3 |
012 | 27390 | | Brady P Horn - | 1 TO 3 | 5 |
013 | 28946 | | Xiaoyang Wang - | 1 TO 3 | 2 |
014 | 30404 | | Melissa Binder - | 1 TO 3 | 25 |
Faculty-supervised investigative study that results in the development and writing of a master’s thesis. Offered on a CR/NC basis only.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 13058 | Thesis | Alok K Bohara - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
002 | 13059 | Thesis | Melissa Binder - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
003 | 13060 | Thesis | Richard Santos - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
005 | 24143 | | David van der Goes - | 1 TO 6 | 1 |
007 | 25118 | | Kira Villa - | 1 TO 6 | 1 |
018 | 27197 | | Kira Villa - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
Faculty-supervised investigative study that results in the development and writing of a doctoral dissertation. Offered on a CR/NC basis only.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 13063 | Dissertation | Alok K Bohara - | 3 TO 12 | 25 |
002 | 25100 | | Kira Villa - | 3 TO 12 | 1 |
003 | 25101 | | Melissa Binder - | 3 TO 12 | 1 |
004 | 13065 | Dissertation | Manuel R Montoya - | 3 TO 12 | 25 |
005 | 26667 | | Matias Fontenla - | 3 TO 12 | 2 |
006 | 13068 | Dissertation | Jingjing Wang - | 3 TO 12 | 25 |
008 | 13075 | Dissertation | Richard Santos - | 3 TO 12 | 25 |
010 | 13080 | Dissertation | Robert P Berrens - | 3 TO 12 | 25 |
012 | 20947 | | Janie Chermak - | 3 TO 12 | 25 |
015 | 25932 | | Brady P Horn - | 3 TO 12 | 2 |
016 | 27331 | | David van der Goes - | 3 TO 12 | 5 |
023 | 30351 | | Sarah S Stith - | 3 TO 12 | 5 |
Macroeconomics is the study of national and global economies. Topics include output, unemployment and inflation; and how they are affected by financial systems, fiscal and monetary policies. Prerequisite for most upper-division courses.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
011 | 65610 | MWF 9:00
AM - 9:50
AM | Staff | 3 | 50 |
014 | 65612 | MWF 11:00
AM - 11:50
AM | Mustofa Mahmud Al Mamun - | 3 | 200 |
019 | 65248 | TR 11:00
AM - 12:15 PM | Mustofa Mahmud Al Mamun - | 3 | 200 |
This course will provide a broad overview of microeconomics. Microeconomics is the study of issues specific to households, firms, or industries with an emphasis on the role of markets. Topics discussed will include household and firm behavior, demand and supply, government intervention, market structures, and the efficient allocation of resources. Prerequisite for most upper division courses.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 65261 | TR 9:30
AM - 10:45
AM | Staff | 3 | 50 |
002 | 80232 | MWF 11:00
AM - 11:50
AM | Melissa Binder - | 3 | 126 |
005 | 80568 | TR 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM | Staff | 3 | 50 |
008 | 69438 | TR 11:00
AM - 12:15 PM | Sarah S Stith - | 3 | 200 |
009 | 80791 | MWF 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM | Staff | 3 | 50 |
011 | 72826 | TR 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM | Staff | 3 | 50 |
Intermediate analysis of microeconomic theory and concepts. Topics include consumer behavior and demand, production and costs, price and output under both perfect competition and pure monopoly. Prerequisite: 2110 and 2120 and (307 or MATH 1430 or MATH 1512).
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
005 | 72834 | MW 11:00
AM - 12:15 PM | Andrew L Goodkind - | 3 | 40 |
Introductory statistics, probability, probability distributions and hypothesis testing. Basic econometric techniques emphasizing estimation of economic relationships and the use of econometric models in forecasting. Prerequisite: 2110 and 2120 and MATH 1350.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
003 | 72898 | TR 11:00
AM - 12:15 PM | Kira Villa - | 3 | 40 |
Explores government intervention in markets, particularly with respect to market failures, when the provision of goods and services are inefficiently or inequitably provided by markets alone. Covers policy effects, often focusing on healthcare, labor, poverty, environment, education, and more. This is a starred (*) level course and may be taken for graduate credit by students enrolled in a graduate program. A graduate student enrolled in a starred course numbered below 500 may be required to complete extra work.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 80237 | MW 4:00 PM - 5:15 PM | Xiaoxue Li - | 3 | 30 |
Development of the principle economic doctrines and schools of economic thought from the Physiocrats to Keynes. This is a starred (*) level course and may be taken for graduate credit by students enrolled in a graduate program. A graduate student enrolled in a starred course numbered below 500 may be required to complete extra work.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 69434 | MW 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM | Manuel R Montoya - | 3 | 40 |
Topics will vary. Offered on an occasional basis. For course content, consult the economics department. Course may be repeated without limit provided the topics differ. Prerequisite: 300 and 303.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
Sem: Macroeconomic Policy NM | |||||
001 | 77704 | TR 4:00 PM - 5:15 PM | Mustofa Mahmud Al Mamun - | 3 | 30 |
A survey course designed to develop those mathematical results and methods which find frequent use in economic analysis. Prerequisite: 300 and 303.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 80559 | TR 9:30
AM - 10:45
AM | Staff | 3 | 25 |
Intermediate econometric techniques with strong emphasis on computer modeling of applied economic problems. Covers autocorrelation, heteroscedasticity, multicollinearity, dummy variable and distributed lag model and the use of econometric models in forecasting. Prerequisite: 309.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 77713 | TR 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM | Benjamin A Jones - | 3 | 3 |
For senior students wishing to study topics not covered in an existing course or in more detail. Requirements will be agreed upon between student and instructor. Prerequisite: 300 and 303 and 309.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 10145 | Independent Study | Melissa Binder - | 1 TO 3 | 5 |
002 | 10146 | Independent Study | Andrew L Goodkind - | 1 TO 3 | 5 |
005 | 10151 | Independent Study | Alok K Bohara - | 1 TO 3 | 5 |
007 | 52193 | | Sarah S Stith - | 1 TO 3 | 5 |
009 | 10157 | Independent Study | Robert P Berrens - | 1 TO 3 | 5 |
011 | 10159 | Independent Study | Brady P Horn - | 1 TO 3 | 5 |
013 | 35729 | Independent Study | Benjamin A Jones - | 1 TO 3 | 5 |
014 | 43266 | | Richard Santos - | 1 TO 3 | 5 |
016 | 58377 | | Kira Villa - | 1 TO 3 | 5 |
017 | 76475 | | Manuel R Montoya - | 1 TO 3 | 5 |
Offers an advanced exploration of economic issues and their practical applications using theory and/or empirical analysis. Topics vary each term, reflecting the dynamic nature of modern economics.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
T: Water Resour I Contemp Iss | |||||
001 | 79403 | TR 4:00 PM - 6:15 PM | Robert P Berrens - | 3 | 4 |
A faculty-directed exploration of a specific topic through reading, discussion, and critique. Open to juniors or seniors with an overall grade point average of at least 3.2 and approval of the department. Prerequisite: 309. Restriction: junior or senior standing and permission of department.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
002 | 10202 | Independent Study | Robert P Berrens - | 3 | 5 |
005 | 10207 | Independent Study | Andrew L Goodkind - | 3 | 5 |
006 | 10208 | Independent Study | Alok K Bohara - | 3 | 5 |
007 | 28354 | Independent Study | Benjamin A Jones - | 3 | 5 |
008 | 44337 | | Jingjing Wang - | 3 | 5 |
009 | 44338 | | Brady P Horn - | 3 | 5 |
010 | 67578 | | Melissa Binder - | 3 | 5 |
011 | 74312 | | Kira Villa - | 3 | 5 |
012 | 78853 | | Yuting Yang - | 3 | 5 |
013 | 79658 | | Sarah S Stith - | 3 | 5 |
Faculty-supervised investigative study that results in the development and writing of an undergraduate Senior-level thesis. Prerequisite: 498.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
003 | 10219 | | Melissa Binder - | 4 | 5 |
004 | 10220 | | Andrew L Goodkind - | 4 | 5 |
005 | 10221 | | Brady P Horn - | 4 | 5 |
010 | 55753 | | Alok K Bohara - | 4 | 5 |
011 | 68193 | | Xiaoxue Li - | 4 | 5 |
012 | 78854 | | Yuting Yang - | 4 | 5 |
Topics include producer and consumer theory, duality and welfare measures, competitive markets and monopoly and decision making under uncertainty. Restriction: admitted to M.A. Economics or Ph.D. Economics.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
003 | 66377 | MW 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM | Xiaoxue Li - | 3 | 15 |
Calculus and matrix theory as applied to macro and micro models. Unconstrained and constrained optimization; static and comparative static analysis; introduction to dynamic analysis. Restriction: admitted to M.A. Economics or Ph.D. Economics.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
002 | 66380 | TR 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM | Jingjing Wang - | 3 | 15 |
Discrete and continuous probability distributions; expectations; joint, conditional marginal distributions; hypothesis testing; least squares estimators; violation of the least squares principle. Econometric software with applications. Restriction: admitted to M.A. Economics or Ph.D. Economics.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
003 | 79652 | TR 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM | Xiaoyang Wang - | 3 | 12 |
Simultaneous equation methods, nonlinear least squares, maximum likelihood method, qualitative dependent variable models, asymptotic properties and test statistics. Emphasis on computer modeling. Prerequisite: 509.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 59367 | TR 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM | Benjamin A Jones - | 3 | 12 Fees: $ 25 |
Special topics in applied economics as they pertain to the major fields and support courses. Available for use by visiting faculty. Prerequisite: 501 and 504. Restriction: permission of instructor.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 77702 | MW 11:00
AM - 12:15 PM | Manuel R Montoya - | 3 | 15 |
T: Policy & Evaluation Lab | |||||
002 | 75253 | M 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM | Audrey E Cooper - | 3 | 5 |
003 | 77192 | | Benjamin A Jones - | 3 | 5 |
Special topics in environmental and natural resource economics. Credit can be earned more than once, as the topic and content will vary by instructor. Prerequisite: 501.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 80292 | M 4:00 PM - 6:45 PM | Andrew L Goodkind - | 3 | 15 |
(Also offered as WR 571) Students examine contemporary issues in water resource systems, including water quality; ecosystem health; stakeholder concerns; economics; and water supply, policy, management and allocation. Emphasis on teamwork, cooperation, and oral, written and graphic communication. {Fall}
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 73807 | TR 4:00 PM - 6:15 PM | Robert P Berrens - | 4 | 5 |
An independent study course on economic problems or issues. The study is carried out under the supervision of an economics faculty member. Restriction: permission of instructor.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
004 | 34456 | | Melissa Binder - | 1 TO 3 | 5 |
005 | 10235 | Independent Study | Alok K Bohara - | 1 TO 3 | 5 |
007 | 10237 | Independent Study | Andrew L Goodkind - | 1 TO 3 | 5 |
010 | 10240 | Independent Study | Robert P Berrens - | 1 TO 3 | 5 |
011 | 55316 | | Kira Villa - | 1 TO 3 | 5 |
012 | 29112 | Independent Study | Benjamin A Jones - | 1 TO 3 | 5 |
013 | 40317 | | Yuting Yang - | 1 TO 3 | 5 |
016 | 42488 | | Brady P Horn - | 1 TO 3 | 5 |
019 | 44341 | | David van der Goes - | 1 TO 3 | 5 |
020 | 46355 | | Xiaoyang Wang - | 1 TO 3 | 5 |
021 | 57445 | | Xiaoxue Li - | 1 TO 3 | 5 |
022 | 77146 | | Jingjing Wang - | 1 TO 3 | 5 |
023 | 79721 | | Manuel R Montoya - | 1 TO 3 | 5 |
Applications of economic theory and empirical analysis including information and agency problems, organization of markets for health care, and influence of government policies on medical innovation and population health. Prerequisite: 509 and 513.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 80294 | W 4:00 PM - 6:45 PM | David van der Goes - | 3 | 15 |
Overview of sustainable development concepts, models, and policy issues, with an emphasis on sustainable uses of all types of capital - physical, human, social, and environmental - in an international context. Prerequisite: 501 and 506.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 80381 | TR 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM | Kira Villa - | 3 | 15 |
Research problems. Student presentations of methodology and results. Research projects may be student-directed or undertaken in conjunction with regular and/or visiting faculty. Offered on a CR/NC basis only. Restriction: permission of instructor.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
W: Applied Economics Bootcamp | |||||
001 | 72899 | Aug. 11, 2025 - Aug. 15, 2025 | Jingjing Wang - | 1 | 12 |
Policy and Evaluation Lab | |||||
002 | 80241 | M 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM | Staff | 3 | 3 |
Faculty-supervised investigative study that results in the development and writing of a master’s thesis. Offered on a CR/NC basis only.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
003 | 10277 | Thesis | Melissa Binder - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
005 | 51451 | | Brady P Horn - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
006 | 10284 | Thesis | Alok K Bohara - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
008 | 10286 | Thesis | Andrew L Goodkind - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
009 | 10287 | Thesis | Robert P Berrens - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
011 | 36426 | Thesis | Yuting Yang - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
013 | 28974 | Thesis | David van der Goes - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
015 | 36869 | | Xiaoyang Wang - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
017 | 44344 | | Benjamin A Jones - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
018 | 68194 | | Kira Villa - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
Faculty-supervised investigative study that results in the development and writing of a doctoral dissertation. Offered on a CR/NC basis only.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
002 | 10301 | Dissertation | Alok K Bohara - | 3 TO 12 | 7 |
003 | 10302 | Dissertation | Melissa Binder - | 3 TO 12 | 5 |
004 | 38916 | | David van der Goes - | 3 TO 12 | 5 |
007 | 10310 | Dissertation | Xiaoyang Wang - | 3 TO 12 | 5 |
011 | 10315 | Dissertation | Yuting Yang - | 3 TO 12 | 5 |
012 | 10317 | Dissertation | Robert P Berrens - | 3 TO 12 | 5 |
017 | 44345 | | Brady P Horn - | 3 TO 12 | 5 |
018 | 46657 | | Jingjing Wang - | 3 TO 12 | 5 |
019 | 46658 | | Kira Villa - | 3 TO 12 | 5 |
020 | 57446 | | Xiaoxue Li - | 3 TO 12 | 5 |
021 | 60631 | | Matias Fontenla - | 3 TO 12 | 4 |
023 | 68049 | | Sarah S Stith - | 3 TO 12 | 5 |
024 | 68412 | | Andrew L Goodkind - | 3 TO 12 | 5 |
025 | 71731 | | Benjamin A Jones - | 3 TO 12 | 5 |
Schedule as of March 26, 2025
Macroeconomics is the study of national and global economies. Topics include output, unemployment and inflation; and how they are affected by financial systems, fiscal and monetary policies. Prerequisite for most upper-division courses. Meets New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 4: Social and Behavioral Sciences.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
002 | 50125 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Cristina Reiser - | 3 | 1 |
003 | 50126 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Refat A Mishuk - | 3 | 23 |
004 | 50127 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Cristina Reiser - | 3 | 11 |
015 | 50130 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Refat A Mishuk - | 3 | 3 |
This course will provide a broad overview of microeconomics. Microeconomics is the study of issues specific to households, firms, or industries with an emphasis on the role of markets. Topics discussed will include household and firm behavior, demand and supply, government intervention, market structures, and the efficient allocation of resources.Prerequisite for most upper division courses. Meets New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 4: Social and Behavioral Sciences.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
006 | 50143 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Wilfred P Osei - | 3 | 2 |
007 | 50144 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Cristina Reiser - | 3 | 9 |
015 | 50149 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Cristina Reiser - | 3 | 7 |
018 | 50150 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Wilfred P Osei - | 3 | Section Full Waitlist: 19 |
This is an economics course with no prerequisites. Consequently it should be considered introductory, however it offers a wide-ranging overview of personal finance and the role financial assets can play in achieving personal financial goals. This course won’t make you a millionaire, nor will it prepare you for a career as a hedge-fund manager. The goal is to increase your understanding of how financial markets work, and how to use financial assets as part of a life-long financial strategy. Your understanding of financial markets will be enhanced by learning the tools of economics, incorporating knowledge of human behavior, and becoming familiar with particular aspects of financial markets and assets.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 80725 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Matias Fontenla - | 3 | 4 |
002 | 80726 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Matias Fontenla - | 3 | 19 |
Intermediate analysis of microeconomic theory and concepts. Topics include consumer behavior and demand, production and costs, price and output under both perfect competition and pure monopoly. Prerequisite: 2110 and 2120 and (307 or MATH 1430 or MATH 1512).
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
002 | 40059 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Benjamin A Jones - | 3 | 5 |
003 | 47835 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Benjamin A Jones - | 3 | 25 |
Market concepts and health care issues. Economic assessment of the U.S. health care system. Explores physician supply and demand, hospitals, malpractice, pharmaceuticals, insurance and related topics. Prerequisite: 2110 and 2120.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 80727 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Casey Leek - | 3 | Section Full Waitlist: 16 |
002 | 80728 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Casey Leek - | 3 | 22 |
Computer modeling of economic time series using univariate Box-Jenkins models and multivariate vector autoregressive models. Intervention models to assess policy impacts such as gun control, environmental law, tax changes and social programs. Prerequisite: 309.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 61898 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Xiaoyang Wang - | 3 | 10 |
002 | 61899 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Xiaoyang Wang - | 3 | 27 |
Determinants of patterns of international trade and comparative advantage. Trade restrictions and gains from trade. International factor movements. Prerequisite: 300 and 309.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 80721 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Cristina Reiser - | 3 | 12 |
002 | 80724 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Cristina Reiser - | 3 | 26 |
Macroeconomics is the study of national and global economies. Topics include output, unemployment and inflation; and how they are affected by financial systems, fiscal and monetary policies. Prerequisite for most upper-division courses. Meets New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 4: Social and Behavioral Sciences.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 28266 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Cristina Reiser - | 3 | 20 |
003 | 28272 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Cristina Reiser - | 3 | 60 |
This course will provide a broad overview of microeconomics. Microeconomics is the study of issues specific to households, firms, or industries with an emphasis on the role of markets. Topics discussed will include household and firm behavior, demand and supply, government intervention, market structures, and the efficient allocation of resources.Prerequisite for most upper division courses. Meets New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 4: Social and Behavioral Sciences.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 28288 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Cristina Reiser - | 3 | 20 |
003 | 28303 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Cristina Reiser - | 3 | 60 |
This is an economics course with no prerequisites. Consequently it should be considered introductory, however it offers a wide-ranging overview of personal finance and the role financial assets can play in achieving personal financial goals. This course won’t make you a millionaire, nor will it prepare you for a career as a hedge-fund manager. The goal is to increase your understanding of how financial markets work, and how to use financial assets as part of a life-long financial strategy. Your understanding of financial markets will be enhanced by learning the tools of economics, incorporating knowledge of human behavior, and becoming familiar with particular aspects of financial markets and assets.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 88339 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Mustofa Mahmud Al Mamun - | 3 | 60 |
002 | 88340 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Mustofa Mahmud Al Mamun - | 3 | 60 |
Macroeconomics is the study of national and global economies. Topics include output, unemployment and inflation; and how they are affected by financial systems, fiscal and monetary policies. Prerequisite for most upper-division courses.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 66035 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Cristina Reiser - | 3 | 30 |
005 | 65249 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Staff | 3 | 20 |
021 | 65250 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Staff | 3 | 40 |
022 | 65251 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Cristina Reiser - | 3 | 70 |
This course will provide a broad overview of microeconomics. Microeconomics is the study of issues specific to households, firms, or industries with an emphasis on the role of markets. Topics discussed will include household and firm behavior, demand and supply, government intervention, market structures, and the efficient allocation of resources. Prerequisite for most upper division courses.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
003 | 65265 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Cristina Reiser - | 3 | 30 |
004 | 66032 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Staff | 3 | 20 |
006 | 66034 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Staff | 3 | 40 |
016 | 65270 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Cristina Reiser - | 3 | 70 |
This is an economics course with no prerequisites. Consequently it should be considered introductory, however it offers a wide-ranging overview of personal finance and the role financial assets can play in achieving personal financial goals. This course won’t make you a millionaire, nor will it prepare you for a career as a hedge-fund manager. The goal is to increase your understanding of how financial markets work, and how to use financial assets as part of a life-long financial strategy. Your understanding of financial markets will be enhanced by learning the tools of economics, incorporating knowledge of human behavior, and becoming familiar with particular aspects of financial markets and assets.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 78268 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Staff | 3 | 40 |
002 | 78270 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Staff | 3 | 40 |
Theories of national income determination in explaining business cycles; aggregate supply; and the role of expectations. Role of monetary and fiscal policies in stabilizing the economy. Prerequisite: 2110 and 2120 and (307 or MATH 1430 or MATH 1512).
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
002 | 56549 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Xiaoyang Wang - | 3 | 20 |
003 | 63080 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Xiaoyang Wang - | 3 | 20 |
Introduces math, data, and writing skills that are essential for understanding, interpreting and communicating economics concepts. Prerequisite: MATH 1220 or MATH 1240 or ACT Math =>26 or SAT Math Section =>620 or ACCUPLACER College-Level Math =>100. Pre- or corequisite: 2110 or 2120.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 62598 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Cristina Reiser - | 3 | 20 |
002 | 62599 | Online MAX UNM CANVAS | Cristina Reiser - | 3 | 20 |