International Development and Sustainability Economics

The field of International Development and Sustainability (IDS) focuses on the process of economic growth and improving human well-being through sustainable uses of physical, human, social, and environmental resources in the context of low-income and emerging economies. 

Research by our faculty and students addresses a wide range of issues faced in developing countries and by the people who live in them, including the relationship between migration (and return migration) and development in origin countries, the effect of pollution on a range of development and human well-being indicators, the short- and long-term socio-economic effects of environment and natural disasters, and how aspects of human well-bring are transmitted across generations, among others. 

IDS research is also incorporated into the classroom through lectures and data analysis, as well as providing field research opportunities through experiments and community engaged research, which includes the use of science and technologies for data generation and awareness interventions.    

The IDS field is also home to the Nepal Study Center (NSC), which focuses research-driven sustainable development. Through its study abroad program, e-portals and annual Himalayan Policy Research Conferences (including zoominar), the NSC brings together IDS scholars and students to share their research and provide networking opportunities.

Internatioanl Development and Sustainability Economics Faculty

Alok Bohara, PhD, University of Colorado

Matias Fontenla, PhD, University of Texas

Kira Villa, PhD, Cornell University