Travel Funding

The Department of Economics is pleased to announce the start of a new graduate student “Conference Travel Awards” program! 

Presenting your research at professional conferences is an essential way to grow as an economist, advance your research and teaching, and to network with fellow researchers and graduate students in a collegial and potentially impactful way.

To help support this, all full-time graduate students in good standing in the department are now eligible for a limited number of $500 conference travel awards. The awards are only available to those students who have a confirmed/accepted conference presentation for a paper or poster at a professional research conference. The awards are limited and are available on a first come first served basis, until the funds have been depleted.

Applications are accepted on a rolling, on-going basis (i.e., no deadline). Students can only receive one $500 travel award per academic year. Applications can be submitted either before or after the conference, and the conference cannot be located in Albuquerque.

To apply, email the following information to Dr. Jones (Graduate Director;

  1. Official confirmation that your paper/poster has been accepted for an in-person conference presentation (a screenshot of an official acceptance email or screenshot of the program from the conference showing your name, affiliation, paper title, etc. is acceptable).
  2. Information on the conference, including, name, location, dates, and a URL to the conference website (can include this in your email or as an attached document).
  3. Itemized receipts for reimbursements are not needed.

After applying, we will notify the student of their eligibility, and, if approved, a lump-sum of $500 will be dispersed to them by the department.

We look forward to your applications! Happy conferencing!

More travel awards are available from Graduate Studies (up to $1200) and GPSA (up to $750).