Sarah Stith
Associate Professor
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- Office: ECON 1006B
- CV: Download PDF
Dr. Stith is an applied microeconomist, whose research examines the efficiency and equity effects of health care regulation and spillovers from and to related markets. Her current work covers topics including provider gaming behaviors and access-to-care in organ transplantation, trade offs and spillovers between cannabis and conventional pharmaceutical markets, and the intersection of public assistance and health. She is a Senior Fellow with the University of New Mexico’s Center for Health Policy, a Research Fellow with the Center for Financial Security at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and an Affiliated Researcher with the University of New Mexico’s Medical Cannabis Research Fund.
Research Areas
- Applied Microeconomics
- Health Economics
- Industrial Organization
Teaching Interests
- Microeconomics
- Health Economics
- Industrial Organization
- Eocnomics of Regulation
Selected Publications
Li, Xiaoxue, and Sarah S. Stith. 2020. “Health Insurance and Self-Assessed Health: New Evidence from Affordable Care Act Repeal Fear.” Health Economics, 1-8
Nicholas, Lauren H., and Sarah S. Stith. 2020. “Are Transplant Centers that Meet Insurer Minimum Volume Requirements Better Quality?” Medical Care Research & Review, 1-9.
Stith, Sarah S., Jacob M. Vigil, Franco Brockelman, Keenan Keeling, and Branden Hall. 2019. “The Association between Cannabis Product Characteristics and Symptom Relief.” Scientific Reports, 9: 2712.
Stith, Sarah S., and Richard Hirth. 2016. “The Effects of Healthcare Quality Requirements on Provider Behavior: Evidence from Kidney Transplantation.” Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 25(4): 789-825.
(feature article) Lacetera, Nicola, Mario Macis, and Sarah S. Stith. 2014. “Removing Barriers to Donation: The Effect of Tax and Leave Legislation.” Journal of Health Economics, 33: 43-56.