Guido Vinicio Duque Suarez
I am Guido Duque, and I am from Ecuador. My undergraduate degree was in Economics from the Universidad Central del Ecuador and I received an award for being the best student of my promotion, and in two years of my studies I received a scholarship for my good performance. I won a principal scholarship in order to study Project Analysis in the Egyptian International Centre for Agriculture (EICA), where I have begun to concern about the problems about the development in different countries. In addition, I won a scholarship for studying my Master’s degree in Economics in FLACSO, after I get my degree I worked as researcher and teacher in their graduate programs, and I have been collaborated there as lecture of Masters’ thesis.
Further, I worked in the Ecuadorian Central Bank and the Direction of Plannification of the Quito, but my pleasure jobs were related to research in FLACSO and the Universidad Central del Ecuador. In FLACSO worked as researcher in the Program of Sociology and Gender and I participate in a research about statistics of migration and I wrote an article about the effects of the crisis of 2008 in the behavior or Ecuadorian migrants in Spain. And the Universidad Central I was part of a research about the Evaluation of the Correa´s Government, I worked in this study in the part of Ecuadorian macroeconomic, and we got founds of the Foundation Rossa Luxemburgo in order to analyzes the alternatives to petroleum and miner extractive industries, as a result I wrote an article about the evolution of productive matrix in Ecuadorian economy and how this affects national development.
Finally, I have been teaching in the Faculty of Economic of the Universidad Central del Ecuador, where I specialized in Macroeconomic issues in the subject Neokeynesian Economic Theory, and I have taught Econometrics. There, I was teacher of Microeconomics, Mathematics, introduction to the Economics, Development Economics, Economics Politics, Epistemology, Design and Evaluation of Projects in the undergraduate program, and in the graduated program I was Teacher of Macroeconomic Analyses, Macroeconomic and Social Risk Management. In addition, I have been teaching in the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, where I teach Microeconomics and Introduction to Statistics and I taught Macroeconomics and Applied Statistics. The further studies in a PhD program are fundamental in order to improve my skills as researcher and teacher, but the most important is that Ecuador needs investigations about the change in their productive matrix and alternative monetary and productive policies in dollarization, and I believe that I can contribute in these important goals.